I just had a cute little chat with Kennedy. I know, imagine that! Anyway, Colton and Whit have piano on Wed. so Kennedy and I have a whole hour together. While we were riding home today, she was looking through Colton's scout book and she says to me, " this is a big book huh mom"? Yep, it's pretty big. She says "It's big like the Big Book of Mible". What? What is the Big Book of Mible, I ask. "Ya know, the scriptures??" Do you mean the Bible? "Yes, you know the Bible, and the Book of Mormon, duh" Then she says, " I love those books." (which shocked me because she's usually standing on her head while we read them). I do too, I say. I love that we can learn about Nephi and Alma, and all the old prophets. She says "ya, and we get to learn about Jesus and Heavenly Father too!"
Wow, maybe we are doing something right.
I just love her!
That is about the cutest thing I have ever heard!
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