My second phobia didn't start until I was an adult. Heights! I was never afraid of heights as a child. We use to go swimming at a place called Butler Jr. High in Salt Lake when I was little, and they had platforms to dive from. I'm talking Olympic style platforms. My cousins and brother and I would launch ourselves from the top platform without thinking twice about it! I was also a cheerleader in high school, and between my friend Liz and I, we were always at the top of the pyramids, or being thrown around. NO FEAR! Now, I don't think I could ever ride on Landon's shoulders without being paralyzed with fear.
I left to day to meet Lan for lunch, and about 5 minutes into my drive a thick, furry spider (I swear baby tirantula) came crawling across my dashboard. I flipped. I look around for something to try to squish it with, and luckily still had my towel from my run that morning in the car. I double up this towel and go for the squish. As I went to pick it up, to make sure I had it, it fell!!! I slammed on my brakes, and slid to a stop. Jumped out of my car, and tried to find it! NO GO. I was far enough from home at that point, that I couldn't walk back but was too far from Landon to walk to him for help! I decide to climb back in the car, and procede to drive like a maniac to where I was meeting Landon for lunch. I was hunched up against my door, and I kept stomping my feet so it wouldn't get on them!
Landon checks my car, and cannot find this dang spider. I'm like, we're trading cars until you do! I think he thinks I'm kidding, and I'm NOT! He keeps telling me that he thinks I probably killed it, and that it's dead and curled up in a ball. I KNOW IT'S NOT! It's totally waiting for me it get back into that car so it can attack me when I'm not expecting it. We have our lunch, and get back to our cars and I make him start to look for it again. I'm sitting in the middle seat, and all of a sudden it comes crawling across the floor, and into the heating vent under the driver seat! I scream for Landon. We crank up the heat-nothing. We crank on the A/C-nothing. I go to his car to get a screwdriver to see if I can flush him out because Lan can see him in there. Just as I get back to the car, it's coming out of the vent, and Landon crushes it! Instant relief! I really didn't think I could drive my car again until it was found.
For such a sporty, crazy, hilarious sure are a stinkin' wimp! I forgot how scared of snakes and spiders you are. That's hilarious. I remember you freaking out one time when we saw something in your bomb shelter in the basement.
Ha ha, I remember that bomb shelter! Who has a bomb shelter!?! I totally understand this hysteria. I am so terrified of worms and would not want to drive my car if there was a worm in there.
That bomb shelter was the creepiest place ever!
I am laughing and laughing and laughing because I can totally see me doing the same thing. That happened once with just a stupid moth flying around in my car and I completely wigged out and wouldn't get back in it until I was SURE it was gone, dead or otherwise. But a spider? Forget about it. That car would have to be totalled if that spider wasn't found. BLESS YER HEART!
I have the same phobias but your is worse when it comes to spiders. In fact your story made me laugh. I'm pretty bad about heights though. Unlike you I've always had that phobia. I was a cheerleader too and one of the smallest at that. I was so afraid of being on the top that I would work out real hard so I could "pop" up my friends and be on the bottom of the stack. I would get nauseous and dizzy just looking over the banister at the landing half way up the stairs!
The suspense was killing me! I laughed so hard--i could totally imagine the whole thing. I am so glad you were able to destroy the foe --- i love a happy ending.
You are so funny! Your stories crack me up. I can totally picture you stamping your feet in the car while you drove. I don't think I would have got back in either though. I'd have to say my phobia involves roaches. . .ugh. . .those things give me the shivers.
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