Tuesday, September 30, 2008

4 Square anyone

Last night our stake had this big disaster preparedness project. Everyone got a letter in the mail with instructions to open it yesterday at 5pm. We were also counseled to make sure our 72 hr. kits were up to date and that we had plenty of water. I guess that this stake does this every year with a different "disaster". When we opened our letter we learned that there had been an earthquake and that we had to shut off the water to our house. We were then suppose to text our home teachers how much water we had, and if we had a way to purify water. I'm happy to report that we had 75 gallons of water, and thanks to Landon's dad, a family sized water purifier! Anyway, we texted in our info, and that was it. It was sort of a let down. The kids were all wound up about it, and we thought there was going to be more to it. Oh well, at least our 72 hr. kits and water supply are up to date.

After that as part of FHE, we all went to the park and played 4 square. I haven't played that in forever!! They have them on the playground at school, and all of my kids have been playing it at recess. We had a blast. (of course I wasn't smart enough to take my camera so no pics)

This morning, all 3 of my kids at different times asked if we could go to the park and play again tonight. It's so nice to be able to enjoy each other. Even though we are all very competitive, and I waited the whole time for a fight to break out, it never did. We really did have fun together. We are definitely a closer bunch after living in WA for almost a year.



Texted your home teachers?!!?!!

I never thought I would hear of a stake that had their stuff together better than our group of nose-to-the-grindstone work hogs.

That is such a cool idea but I have no idea what my HT's mobile number is. AND, even if I did know I would probably never ever use it. Or at least I think I wouldn't.

Your post gives me much food for thought. Thanks, Amy!

Mark and Karen

I love four square!!!


Sounds fun. It would have been cool if there was more to it, the kids are right! Like if they had made you go a week without food or something.


I have heard of stakes doing these mock disasters more and more. Glad you are up to date with all the emergency gear. Four square is super fun. My favorite thing to play at recess was kickball.


I love four square...I can't remember how to play anymore, but I remember I loved a good heated game in Elementary.