Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'm Sorry, You're How Old???

12 years old. What a weird age. Colton seems to be stuck in the middle of two worlds. On one hand, he is becoming more and more independent and I can see him starting to turn into a teenager. On the other hand, there are moments when I'm sure he's still 6 years old. I'm not sure if he really knows!
This week is spirit week at school. Each day is a different theme. The girls are completely into it. Monday was backwards day. So of course, they wore their clothes backwards. Colton decided he was too cool! Tuesday was crazy hat day. Both of my girls wore silly hats that they got at Disneyland. Colton put on a beat up trucker's hat. I think it was just an excuse to not "do" his hair! Today was pj day. Clearly the girls were in their pj's, and yet again Colton was not about to be caught out of the house in his pj's. Tomorrow is crazy hair day. They love this day. When we lived in AZ, and it was crazy hair day I would do some crazy do's and then spray them all different colors. They loved it. So they think that is what we have to do for tomorrow. So we ran to the party store today for the colored spray. The Dollar Store was near by, and they love to "shop" in there. This is what Colton spent his hard earned money on! He then spent the rest of the afternoon like this! It just cracks me up. He did at least take it off to go into Sam's Club, but then it was right back on in the car! It will be interesting to see if he participates in crazy hair day. I have a sneaky suspicion that he will. To be continued...



I feel sorry for anyone going through the teenage years. It's a very rickety bridge that dumps you into adulthood, but with an underdeveloped brain. No wonder it drives them and US crazy!

Boys are easier than girls, though, so appreciate the calm while you can.

I love the crazy days idea and I love that the girls are so into it. It's that stuff that you love about childhood. You're a good sport to punk up the hair.

I like Colton's solution to the problem of what to wear. It's creative. I think I really like him.

Mark and Karen

I love the worth whatever he paid for it.


Colton is at such a weird age...after that long conversation we had a week ago, I couldn't tell if I was talking to a teenager or a kid...left me feeling really weird! We talked about girls, guns, and free willy! It was all a lot to take in! :)
I love him either way, and I am glad that when you and Landon become his dorky parents...I will still be his "cool" aunt!