After they were changed into jammies, we finished up our advent calendar. Colton and Whitley are getting a little old for this, but Kennedy was way into it. They let her put up the Santa Claus. 
5:30 AM Waiting in our bed while Landon "checks to see if Santa came", and turns on some lights and the camera.
Opening up the flood gates. I so remember this feeling as a kids. The excitement. The anticipation. So fun.
I think Whitley has the best reactions to her presents. She so wanted this Kindle.
I think my favorite gift we gave the kids this year were these awesome "Who is your hero?" posters. Colton favorite scripture story is Samuel the Lamanite.
After we had finished opening everything and the kids were checking out all their new stuff, Landon asked Colton to get something from the family room. Santa had brought the family one last present and we were helping him find it. He stood right next to it for several minutes, telling us he couldn't find whatever is was Landon had sent him in for. Finally Kennedy glanced his way and went nuts when she the the big present. How did he miss this thing? It was wrapped in shiny blue and silver paper!!
It's an air hockey, ping pong combo table. We are going to put it in our loft for yet another space for the kids to hang out and have fun.
Later our parents and grandma great came over for more gifts and breakfast. I didn't snap 1 single picture! We tried something new this year with our gift giving, and it really simplified life. it really helped us focus on Christ and the first Christmas so many years ago. It is definitely something we will continue with. I'll have to explain in another post. This one is already to long.