Mr. Newport is the principal at my kids school. He is very involved in their education. More so than any other principal I've been around. We get homework and little assignments home from him-due back to him. Mostly just the 6th graders. Anyway, he has assigned the 6th graders to do 10 hours of community service before Christmas. They have to have it documented and signed. A few weeks ago, Colton was telling me about his day at school, and mentioned that he and a friend had been playing with and taking care of a little autistic boy during lunch recess. I asked him why? He said that his teacher had asked if anyone wanted to do this special project and he had volunteered. I told him that it would count for his community service project, since he didn't have anything else. All he needed to do was spend 1 lunch recess a week helping out, and he'd have his 10 hours.
Since then, he has really gotten involved with these special kids. He knows their names, what each child likes, and how to help them be safe. He has started helping out with them several recesses a week. He's already well over his 10 hours, and now is doing it just because. I'm so proud of him, and his tender heart. What a great example-not only to our family-but to the kids he goes to school with. Way to go Colton!
Boy, that is something. Way to go Colton and way to go principal.
That is the sweetest thing, and exactly what I needed to hear on this election eve when I'm worried about everything. What a good kid!
This gave me the chills. I hope my Luke is as good of a kid as Colton.
That is so great. Remember that autistic kid that went to H.S. with us that we all just loved so much? I think his name was "Travis". Anyway, tell Colton what a great boy I think he is, and his Heavenly Father is certainly proud too.
What a sweetheart!
Wow! What a great principal and DOUBLE WOW what a great son you have! I love it! He is setting such a great example for others but I'm sure he is really being touched by his kindness and is seeing the fruits of his labors! Those special needs kids are so lucky to have Colton!
What a FAB. principle! Sounds like the kids school is so great!! Hope you had a wonderful, but glad-it-is-over halloween! It is NOT my fav. holiday! Miss you! Good job Colton! What a great experience for him! Love Lisa
Ahhhhh. Love that. What a tender-hearted guy he is. I'm sure those kiddoes love him. Love that principal of yours too. What a great idea!
love it...adam is always more aware of people with special needs than any of my other kids...that Colton must be something special!
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