Monday, November 17, 2008

Rigatoni WHAT

Alot of times, I feel like this blog is just a weekly update of little things that my kids are doing. Don't get me wrong, they provide for a lot of entertainment, but every now and then Landon will deliver a little gem that is worth taking note of.

I often wonder what would happen to him and my kids if I died. Ya know like who would do my girls hair, and what in the world would they eat! Landon does make a mean pot of Mac and Cheese, but well that's about it! I know he is prone to eat very odd and interesting combinations of food. For instance, when I go out of town. I never worry about stocking the cupboards, or even making sure there's stuff to eat. He loves to see how much of the "old stuff in the pantry" he can eat and get rid of.

After Whitley's soccer game, we were all tired and hungry and it was late. It was kind of a fend for yourself kind of dinner. Some of us had cereal, some of us had mac and cheese. And then there's Lan. He opened up a can of some kind of rigatoni soup he had bought for himself when he moved here last November. He heated it up on the stove top, stuffed it into a tortilla and covered it in cheese. This things was oozin' and goozin' all over the place and he couldn't have been more pleased. It made me think. If he was truly that happy with that, why do I even TRY to make good things to eat for dinner. Pretty much anything covered in cheese would be acceptable.


Mark and Karen

That dish looks really good!

Mark and Karen
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I agree. It looks delicious. Maybe I'm just really hungry right now. . . . but I wish I had one.


This totally made me laugh--Good for him.


Oh my gosh! That gave me a good chuckle. Never saw anything like that before. Jim wants to know if Landon's looking for a job anytime soon back here. Jim says his company is looking for "safety" people. (I don't know what his title is.) :)


Maybe he was just really craving Carbs! ha ha ha Pasta and Tortilla together...hum...I'm skeptical. Too funny! It does make you wonder why you put so much time and energy into a delicious homemade meal now doesn't it :)


seriously that's kindof awesome though. But yeah I would be reconsidering any extra effort I put into cooking. too funny!


That's disgusting. I am laughing so hard right now. Lanny is such a dorkus. Who would even come up with that? By the way, I saw a picture of your parents on Heidis blog...they look great. It was good to see them! Tell them hello from me.


That looks disgusting!!