Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Self Control, What Self Control?

The kids had a half day today, like they do every Wednesday and we had a couple of Valentine errands to go run. My kids were less than excited about running errands, even though it was stuff for them! So like all good mothers, I bribed them. I told them there would be a "special" treat involved for those who came with me, didn't fight, and didn't cause me any grief!

It worked like a charm. They asked me the whole time what the treat was going to be, if they'd ever had it before, etc. After we finished our jobs, we stopped at this yummy little cupcake shop. Now Landon and I have been there before, and it's dangerous! But I had never taken the kids there. They were stoked! We all picked out a cupcake, and then I saw that they had a few 6 packs put together already. They were day old, and marked half price. Well, I'm a sucker for a sale AND a cupcake! So we got an extra 6 pack for tomorrow! YUMMY- After dinner we inhaled them, and they were worth every single calorie. I've been thinking about that 6 pack in my fridge all day, and wondering since there are only 5 of us, who gets the extra one. Oh yeah, that will be me around 9pm tomorrow tonight I just know it! Good thing I've got my trainer on Friday



If you ever find out what self control is or how to use it, please let me know. Especially when it comes to food!


I love cupcakes!! I discovered this great place for cupcakes at the Harvest Festival in October. They had a booth. I've since found them in one of the malls here. My favorite is the cream cheese frosting...regardless of the cupcake flavor.

I rationalize eating them by convincing myself that they are "portion controlled". That is if I don't eat 4!


Nothing like a good cupcake!!!! Yummy.
I'll call you later today, thanks for the call!


If they were half price that means they are half the calories too. I'm with Pandy--cupcakes have built-in portion control--it's not like eating an entire cake!