Today is the first day of our Spring Break! This presents several problems! You see, if you don't go out of town, then what?? Most of my kids friends were well out of town! You are left with only your siblings to fight with for an entire week! This is nothing our of the norm, and really nothing I can't handle. My parents, on the other hand will probably loose their minds if my kids are home for 7 days solid fighting. It's especially helpful that my dad is trying to work from his home office! I'm sure they would both argue that this is not true, but we are still guests that are just right up in their grill, and won't go away.
So when my friend called and invited us to go hiking at Usery Mountain, I jumped on it.
We are not huge hikers. I'm not really sure why. We're pretty ourdoorsy folks, and we try to stay active. I guess I'm just not really sure where to hike, or maybe what the good hikes are! Anyway, my kids loved it. They climbed right to the top of this peak, and right on back down without a complaint!

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